Fucking Portland, it never ends! PDX duo Sacrificial Decay describe their heavyweight technique as “DEATH-BEAT”. That’s a full-caps name for a full-caps sound, and Sacrificial Decay’s Obliteration Rites EP duly features barbaric crust that syphons plenty of its noisome grit from death metal’s arsenal. Sacrificial Decay aren’t afraid to go long-form either, with songs like “Vengeance”, “Skullsplitter”, and “Shit Life (Gripped by Fear)” stretching beyond the usual 90-second bursts of crustcore to really hammer their catastrophic tonnage home. Kudos to Col (drums, lyrics, backing vocals), Matt (guitar, bass, vocals), and Seanan Mccullough, who recorded the band at Portland’s Helvete Sound Studio. Obliteration Rites is a full-force blast of demolishing punk. Super-heavy… in every sense.